*The Rail Route Changes Between East Krotz Springs and Lottie

A fella, who has written before, told me about what he'd found.
I can understand the need to do that.
He had discovered where a portion  of the Red River and Gulf route had been.
I was "fairly familiar" with most of that and led him to a couple of ride reports I'd done covering the subject to help him out.
He seemed unimpressed, bewildering  as that may seem to this author.
He also mentioned the Missouri Pacific rails being moved to facilitate the Morganza Floodway between East Krotz  Springs and Lottie.  I knew that they had been moved from Krotz Springs (west bank of the Atchafalaya River)west  to  Courtableau, the location of the West Atchafalaya Basin levee. 
I was concerned. He responded with the evidence in the form of a late 1930's black and white survey map showing what was old and what was "under construction"..

Now here's the new deal. If you want a picture of this article in full, just write.
Too much trouble?  Then you don't want it. That's fine. I didn't have to post it.
If you can't resist, like that bag of Doritos, write me a nice note telling me why you want this article like some asinine groups demand before you can join in with the old dandruff  laden nose and ear hair farts that inhabit such moldy places. Of course I'm kidding.
Here's the address, put it all together, "trainchaser2011 @ gmail.com"

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Wow, since disclosing that I can't keep up w/ the mail.