The Opelousas Crossover

UPDATE to the Update on the new Breaux Bridge Railroad Museum, bottom of page:

My good friend, Dr. Baronet, School of Fish, alerted me of his fears this morning:

"Steve, when word of this gets out you'll be overrun with museum goers, you fool! Especially if you are doing the tour guide thing. Don't put a sign out. Maybe you better rethink this. What about a parking lot, you can't have all of those cars parking on your lawn. And, you have to have public rest rooms to operate something like that. Dude, you better keep it to an "e-museum". Besides, the authorities might find out about that signal light"!

That sent me into a funk. To the rescue came Al. He has volunteered his place out by the swamp for parking. Then he will bring the museum goers here in his motor home. His wife, Tilly, will prepare meals and, of course, the motor homes restroom will be available for the needy. Alette has volunteered to maintain order. Thanks, Al. By the way, did you get the brakes fixed, yet? And, did you find Felix, the six legged alligator? These could be considerations.

This was my original note before all the concern and solvation. Now I feel bad because Mark's find has been diminish. But in reality, the fact that there will be a museum has enhanced his discovery since I doubt anyone else will honor his contribution as the BBRM will.


With the weather bending to perfect, new enthusiasm has made the scene. Throughout the Winter I have been storing bits and pieces of information, ride pictures, and some oddball stuff that may or not be worth anything. First and foremost amongst this information is Mark D's discovery of the T&P to SP interchange in southern Opelousas. Mark is a well known scholar on the subject of the Opelousas, Gulf and Northeastern Railroad which soon became part of the Texas & Pacific RR. He is also a map genius and by the use of logarithmic x-rail ray (copyrighted) has discovered embedded information hidden in certain maps for what reason we are still trying to determine. Enough explanation, this is mind blowing.

Here is the Opelousas rail scene as of the 70's.

That seems innocent enough, right? Now, Mark applies his x-rail ray.

Shi Zam. The interchange appears. Who'd thunk it?

Railroad history has been given the light of day. I am updating all my maps, you should, too.
There are people out there that are trying to rewrite history. Don't let them, keep your history current. Mark may be marketing his discovery. I think he's come up with a price: 19.95?

He is not one to trust technology totally, so he went out
there (during the Saints parade, a great logistical move)
and verified the data. We are working on a bus tour to
the site from the BBRM (Breaux Bridge Railroad Museum(tm).
But, we might be getting ahead of ourselves. There are
"facets" to consider.

Below, doing foot work is sometimes the only way to satisfy the doubting.

That's the new news from Opelousas.
There will be stuff from Mississippi, in fact,
3 articles. Then there's the complete telling
of the Lake Charles to DeRidder investigations.
You premium readers got a just a taste of it.
That's all I can remember right now, dang, if
I don't write it down, it's lost. More later.

PS. Oh, yea, the museum opening, the
aforementioned BBRM. More on that later.
If I can find one more display, I think we'll
be ready for a grand opening. Of note, our
new museum is in no way related to the thefts
at Long Leaf. I know you were thinking that.
You need to shake that devil off your shoulder.
You really do.