Missouri Pacific Railroad: Dequincy Branch: The New Iberia Roundhouse

What you are seeing are pictures of text taken from a, let's
call it a newsletter, that I send out when the need arises. It
documented a historic find for those interested in local rail-
road history. It had been found before while in its last days,
but I think forgotten since. Seeing a few pictures of those
last days, I decided to see if it was still around. It is. This
is the story of my afternoon hunt.

Virgil had sent me a link to those pictures, not the actual
pictures. I know some people are "funny" about what they
consider picture theft. If I got funny, I'd be in jail because
I get real funny when I get funny.

Footnote: The rails on the east side of the main line are still active.
That's the way Louisiana Delta accesses its rails to Abbeville which
are the old Iberia and Vermillion Railroad and SP line down to
Avery Island.

Footnote: Yes, you can see the raised portion in the grass if you
look closely and wish upon a star. See it bending to the right (east)?

Footnote: I wished hard on this one to no avail.

Footnote: Not the Root Beer can.

Footnote: The Breaux Bridge RR Museum has an extensive
collection of rail plates from all over. We were recently honored
by a visit from Dr. Markus Dugalus of the Institute for Rail Plate
Reseach (IFRPR) who marveled over the collection. We are
open by appointment only. Tour bus parking is available if
they'll let your bus park at the bar down the road. I think a one
drink minimum is required. Don't take that as a negative because
I've been told that it makes rail plate viewing more palatable.

Footnote on the Footnote: That one drink minimum is for each
bus occupant, not for the bus driver only. I hope that's clear.

Al says below was Lt.Dave Robicheaux Iberia SD in his pickup.
Footnote: Dave's truck, not Al's truck, it's not running.
I just confirmed that was Dave, as my real name is Purcel.

More below.

This article transfer took about an hour. I will not be posting those
newsletters that often. If you'd like to receive the real deal in real
time, let me know in the guest book. If you would not like to
receive those newsletters, stay in the dark for a month or two
while everyone snickers at you because you're so lost. Like lost
in a worm hole lost, a little joke that only the premium readers
will enjoy.

Tickets for a visit to the BBRRM are $5 at the door, $6 with a coupon
from here. The museum is not air conditioned, but as of the last report,
the bar was. Looking forward to your visit, but call first, Maudy
gets ticked if people just show up. Not a good thing.