The Lafayette Yard and a Little More

There's not much to say about this one. I have never gotten even half way descent shots at the Lafayete Yard.  The sun is always wrong. 
Today I went on the south side and these are better but not good, but not good is better and better is great in my book, so they are here, now so great but better which is great.
I went on the side of Sunbeam Bakery, where I once worked 
nights 45 years ago. You had to fight the flying roaches to get into it.
First, this shot was not from today but it is from the south side like the others.
I'm going to show you the rough cuts first and for the finale I'll post the cropped and doc'd ones.

 This is how badly things started. My big camera's batteries were dead yet again.
 I think they've done their time.
I grabbed the little camera as the line of engines started moving. What a downer.

Depression set in as I knew I'd blown it.
I put the other batteries in and what do you know, they came back as if the 
 first time was a rehearsal.

 I couldn't see much more from my off / property location so I left fairly satisfied.
 I went on the north side to illustrate the difference. 
 I  headed home. The wind was too brisk to head up the country.
I knew someone would like this one. I did.
 I was headed  home and here came a dang L&D.
I felt like a little chase back into Lafayette, so I did.

 At the Schilling Shack.

 Tail engine moving away.

 The Vermilion River.
 Entering St.Martin Parish

Now, if that wasn't enough, here are some large ones
They were cropped from the original shots..
Click the pictures for the larger version.

 I found the presence of a life boat amusing.

See ya later.