Obama the Pimp

Why did Obama send Susan Rice out to lie in 5 interviews and mislead the country?
Simple. She is Black, "African American, whatever,  and she is a woman.
This creates  a shield that Obama and his associates can use, and retaliate from behind, claiming racism and sexism toward Ms. Rice, not a new trick. The Black Caucus uses that one daily.

With Israel being bombarded from rocket launchers located beneath schools, hospitals and mosques within Gaza, I find a parallel.  As the militants have used their people as human shields so has this pimp used his woman to deflect the truth. He is a liar to the American people claiming all is well and that the enemy is defeated, " Ben Laden is dead, Al Qaeda is on the run,   and GM is alive". All a lie.
The truth is that four Americans are dead while he watched and lied about who was responsible besides himself.

I understand that Hilary refused to go out on the street. I guess she's left, or is leaving, "the life", as Burke would say.

PS. Speaking of another in his stable, Madam Pelosi's prophesy that we will learn what is in BO-Care when it is passed is coming to fruition. American small and large business will be changing their hiring practices. "Full time" will be a thing of the past as the doubled cost of healthcare would kill free enterprise. Those that can't use that method will fold. Workers will suffer and BO will find another group of supporters, the non unionized, those who have lost a fourth or all of their income because of Obama.
Or maybe that has happened?
Maybe that is supposed to  happen?
After all, a known liar, a pimp over a disgusting house of liars,  was reelected.
The dominoes are falling.
You know what is next.

Update: His ho just doubled down and claims her  lies did not come from her pimp.
Don't blame  her, he probably beats her as she looks beat up.

PS #2:
Our dear Tidewater Mary, infamous Obama whore who sold us out with her vote for BO Care, is now running scared from the vice police. Her new lie is that she is fighting for oil drilling jobs. The only drilling she's been involved with is drilling us. Mary, I'd say your party was over, but then I thought America would see the red light and dump your pimp.  Addiction to what you are pedaling is a strong one. It would help if you weren't such a Hilary look alike. Can we at least put a bag over  you head?