I Can Get You Through the Port Barre Yard ......

I'd had a bad night, up at 3 and still up at 8. Then I decided to take 
a nap and awoke at 10:30. Stuff awaited and I got that done by 12.
I ate breakfast / lunch and it was 1.
The day was melting away faster than an Al Gore ice cube.
Really, he and Biden should take it on the road.
Anyway, I flipped on the scanner as a last resort since my wife 
was taking off at 2.  Why did I say that? I wold  have flipped it on
if she'd remained dormant. (yea, "dormant")
Bingo, the dispatcher at Livonia was telling this eastbound freight that he could 
get him through the Port Barre Yard, but, he might have to take the sidetrack to do it.
I was 30 minutes of fast riding away from Port Barre. I was 15 minutes 
of prep from that. The bike had enough gas in it for a round trip plus. 
All I needed were the cameras, and sun block. It was 83F, clear 
and beautiful. I was good to go.
I got to the yard and the local was still there.
Was I late?

 Panning right.  There is a very old home back in the trees.
I  have a picture of it in winter and it was a pretty nice place at one time.
This was Missouri Pacific/ New Iberian and Northern country at one time. 
The Southern Pacific RR and Opelousas, Gulf and North Eastern RR were also nearby.
 Zoomed in. I was looking for Mr. Grouche'. You wouldn't sit next to him at the bar.
 Raising all hell, here came the the black beauties with  the white stallions on their grills.
 Pardon the sun washed pics.

 I wonder if Blue Boy was feeling smallish.
 Did the stallions eat him?
 Yes, there were 4 of them and I'm thinking at least 2 were Mac's. (wingless 70's with AC motors)
 LoLs!!  Like I know. Got cha.

Absolutely thrilled at my timing and the beauty of the experience and not having 
an alternative plan, I waited around to see if Blue Boy was going to head east because 
I saw a chance to take a picture I'd been really wanting for a long time.
That sentence left me breathless.
He didn't move and then I think I heard  him get permission to  use the "main" to switch 
20 cars. He'd be a while and past experience has seen them remain in the yard up
until 5 pm or so.

So, I ran by the AKDN RR office and the SILX repair shop
I love this place. It is so me.
Lots of stuff and not much works.

 All of these engines are documented elsewhere.
This one has come a long way. She was some ugly in another life.
She did the Eunice to Crowley rice tug back then.
Mark and I thought they were getting her spruced up for some old tug show.
 Mark had mentioned ongoing track work on the Ville Platte route.
Whoa, that's great. But, you need more ties, fellas.
I know where you can get some. Bring your flashlights.

Next, I returned to US 190 and went  almost to Port Barre when I saw the lights.
I quickly returned to the I-49 overpass and set up and waited and waited and waited.
This is the background for the shot I wanted. It is "down the hill" from the 
climb into Opelousas. The railroad uses a curve to get up the "hill" because  a curve uses more track per 
foot of elevation making the climb easier. This is the bottom of the curve.

Or, the railroad's surveyor missed Opelousas and had to make a turn to get to it. Whatever, I don't care.

 These were test shots but since the place is so pretty, I kept them.
 I'd given up and returned to bike.
I didn't hear the horn at the crossing I was waiting for but sensed the train approaching.
Trembling ground is a good hint.
I ran back to the elevated blacktop private crossing getting the camera turned on in full stride.
Pop, I nailed it. The incline is no joke.

 A sling shot affect might also be working here as the rest of the climb is straight up hill.
(Louisiana "straight up hill") In essence, the rails are climbing to the "Cajun Prairie" of southwest La.

 I left this one dark on purpose. The camera was focused down under the bridge and this is pretty realistic.
 Out into the sun and up the hill of the old Mississippi R. bank Blue Boy tugged away.
I don't know what company is renting this engine, AKDN or UP? I'll go with the latter.
I came home giddy with these shots, told my wife all about them and for some reason she hasn't been in to 
see them.
Possibly this train stuff is an "acquired taste"?
Oh, well, like I tell the grandkids when they don't eat their veggies,
"Your loss".

Gorgeous, aren't they!!!
PS, May Duh will be jealous. Maybe I'll show him if he asks.