Dale and Betty, Train Chasers

I asked why don't I have more people stopping by Chasing Trains.  Up pipped Cocky Dale and Snooty Betty. Together, in unison, they said, "Your site is  as boring as milk spoiling and stinks just as bad".
Had they practiced that?

I decided to put aside my baseball bat and let these two irksomes submit a ride report of their own.
Here it is. Enjoy!!

Dale: After I picked up my great girlfriend from work, we rushed over to Breaux Bridge where Steve says the trains pass. Sure enough, there was one but it wasn't moving. I think he is mistaken. I wanted to wait and see if it would move, but Betty wanted to go to Crowley. Since we are so happy together, she left to go
over there.

Betty was able to send this picture since we both have very expensive phones and personal satellites .
It is in the old MoP yard in west Crowley. 
A big BNSF XJNZ 563 w/ Alonzo engines sits next to the old tacky yellow tug.
I like the big one's dominance over the smaller one.
She does, too. Oooh.
 I am so proud of her shot. It is the repaired bridge on 
the historic rails between Eunice and  Crowley.
I found it first. But, I'm hording my pictures.
I'll tell her it is probably the best shot ever taken from so far away 
of a new bridge. She is so wonderful and I know she appreciates me.
 Worrying that her first XJNZ shot was not that good, she sent another.
 I left Breaux Bridge disgusted that the crew in Breaux Bridge hadn't 
come back from lunch or wherever they were.
I went to Lafayette and found a boxcar to photograph.
Isn't it great. 
I sent it to her and  she smugly countered with a crossing light. She caught it flashing.
I later found out it was stuck on so that erases any points she claims.
 I countered with railroad fixing equipment. I knew that one would shut her up.
I can tell you what each one does but  you'll have to ask me, "please".
 She was still in Crowley. The XJNZ wasn't moving.
Oh, I wished I was there with my love.
 Instead, I was in an alley in Lafayette.
 "Enough, Betty!!", I said to myself.
 I was getting very lonesome.
 Off to the yard I went. I'd show that witch who was the train chasing boss.
 Then she pulled this. 
She said "they" are cleaning up the switchback
siding in west Crowley.  She really does find some good stuff,
I being one of those finds. Tee hee.
 I was headed back to find her when I got lost and ended up in Cade.
 I phoned. She said she was sorry  that I was 
a dummy and that,  "here was a picture of the switch back
coming off the main line and that I should just give up trying to best her".
 She said, "And, this is how it had recrossed the road and gone to this rice warehouse".
I could pinch off her little piglet nose with a pair of ice block tongs.
 At Cade I was leaving when I  heard the horns.
They were a distraction, one that probably saved me from doing hard time.
Somehow I ended up in New Iberia. Steve always does. I can't figure out "why".
Betty phoned me and said to stay put, that she was coming to find me. 
She would start looking under the Rayne overpass. Her mother lives there.
 I decided it was time to leave her and ended up in Mowata where I lived before we met.
After leaving her mother's place, she continued with her pictures of trains, this time in Crowley.
While in Mowata, a strange light appeared.
It was an Amtrak train and it was stopping.
After it had gone, I realized
 I had no water in Mowata.

 And a BNSF train.
 And, another BNSF train.
 And, another.
 And, another.
 And, another.
 And, another.
 And, then  they were all gone, the Mowata dust slowly settling.
I decided to follow them. There they were.

He looked at me weirdly.
I was back at Crowley, hopefully, she wasn't. 
The little engine was gone.
 The bridge was fixed, I have the pictures.
I heard a noise and turned around.
It was gone. Oh, this is a great shot. I may post it everywhere.
I talked to Betty and we made up.
She suggested that we do movies, together.

Let's have a big hand for Dale and Betty.
Way to go, guys.