CBS Communist Broadcasting System?

Yet again, that pompous liberal ass, Charlie Somebody, on CBS's Sunday Morning, reported that Romney had chosen Ryan for VP, identifying him as the fella who wrote a budget "at the expense of seniors and the middle class", a blanket statement without explanation and full of innuendo, but not nearly as bad as saying Romney killed that union man's wife,  which was Obama's surrogates speaking from their  cesspool command post.  What is CBS's ambition? Do they want to compete for a place at the party table as the new American Pravda?  (for those who don't know, Pravda was the Communist Party newspaper in Russia which spewed indoctrination and lies much the same way Obama and his corrupt cronies do.)
Oh, Seniors, BO cuts 500 billion dollars from your Medicare to fund his 2000 pages plus of rules, regulations, penalties and taxation,"Affordable Care Act". the foot in the door for the Communist.And, let's not forget his death councils which will make up their mind whether you live or die. Nice guy, that Obama. Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev would be so proud.  Why doesn't he open his school records? Because he got into those expensive universities as a foreign student, the real "Manchurian Candidate"?  Is demanding Romney's tax returns another diversion from his own  records?  We don't care about his grades, it is obvious he is a sly cat, at least a well trained and led cat.  Hopefully, one day there will be a movie about the day America almost fell but the people woke up,  rose up,  and defeated this devil. Maybe Denzel would consider the lead. Probably not.  Stand up America. Don't fall for his "buy your vote" schemes. Do you think that after he's elected he'll have anything to do with you except heap on the taxes?  He'll reside behind the Kremlin (I mean White House) walls.  He and his buddies will figure out a numbering system to take the place of your name, oh, sorta like that Social Security number, but better, categorizing you in so many ways.  This time there will be no benefits, just taxes and assigned jobs.  And, if you are good, you might get to visit North Korea on vacation.   Maybe Manchuria?