Don't laugh, that off road helmet is not only cool, but keeps
the sun off my face. You don't stand up at speed or that
bill will rip you off the bike or break you neck, whichever
you prefer. I had set the table for lunch.

She's never been one to complain. (excuse me while I
get over this choking spell)

Italian woman. Need I say more?

Now on to this birthday ride.
They all start off a little strange. I started recording this
one at the Strange Cemetery.
Piny woods cemeteries are different. Maybe it's the pioneer
aspect and the respect you have for these folks who were
tougher than nails. The American flag in the first shot
says a lot.
Strange Road is a thing of beauty. The many new residents
there obviously see that also.
It comes out on US 165 very near the entrance to old
Camp Claiborne. I figure it was time to revisit.
Some group has been spiffing up the place. A new plaque
was just the start. A new sign followed.
If I can read it, you can, or zoom your browser, that works.
OK: I'm going to make sure you can read this.
Alvin York and Omar Bradley are extremely important
people in our history. Our children will never hear their
names in our schools. They will, however, endure a
month of Black History. Something needs to be tweaked.

Whoever seems to be getting a driving tour ready. This
is great.
The 1940's roads are still perfect, well, almost. Marks
says the aliens preserve them. No, not Mexicans, the
Area 51 guys who were shipped here from New Mexico in
1951, after the gig was up about their whereabouts there.
Senior EL (he still hasn't gotten the fact that I meant to
spell Senor, "senior", on purpose), Senior EL has actually
pointed out the spot where the creatures were railed in.
Mark has found the cemented up old sewer plant where
whatever went on, went on. Camp Claiborne served the
country far after its official 1945 closing.
These may be some of the aliens previously mentioned.

It was time to go to Big Cut.
Ask Senior El about that. I've explained my head off and
can't do it anymore. Don't go fast here.
Or you will feel like we did when that blimp started falling.
Next. I wanted to show Al what Senior El and his band
of merry men, and women? had accomplished. I knew
where the end of the line was. There, correctly identified
by Al, was an old log car. Normally, finding stuff like this
in the woods would be a little weird, but not at Long Leaf.
This stuff is everywhere and ready to visit. One more
plug, go to the Southern Forest Heritage Museum. Senior
has just told me that "Area 51" will be the theme of this year's
Halloween Party. Now isn't that strange timing and a little
Isn't this amazing.
Al and I looked down at the rails from an angle. I pointed
out that the spike was not centered. He pointed out that
there was one on the other side and that they were offset.
That's why I bring him, it's sure not because he's a chick
What a throw back. No not you, Al. The rails.
After leaving the museum we took the fast track home.
South of Ville Platte, we stopped at an old landmark store.
It was the Kind Edward Cigar supplier for the entire area.
What will the KEC people do now?
Will the house be next to go?
It was being carefully dismantled to save the wood for some
other purpose.
This is one of my old shots. I have one looking inside with
merchandise still on the racks, but I can't find it. Al had
mentioned that he had liked a pair of lady's shoes in the
window. I knew we'd be friends from that point on.
More later!!