Busted Flat in Lafayette

I'd spent the morning doing domestic work.
The afternoon loomed before me. I felt the walls closing
in. I'd resort to my same old standby, chasing every
train that hinted it might move. It can get crazy and
I like crazy.

I was late, but I'd try to intercept the Limited.
Sitting at a stop light on the Evangeline Thruway, I
watched it cross Mudd/Cameron, 4 blocks away.
No big deal, been there done that. I've had to resort
to collecting engine numbers to keep it interesting.
Who does that?

At the 902 switch, east yard, I saw the old Santa Fe.
She looked like I felt. She sure has a low number. I
guess, with engines, the lower the number the older it is?
Well, honey, at least you aren't No. 1 like I feel.

There were 5 engines, a lead BNSF and 2 NS's and the old
Santa Fe and another. Hold it hoss, I just noticed they
weren't coupled, yet. I'd busted in on a pre-coupling situation,
my first.

I might have caught them coupling.
Move a little bit so I can see your number.
Have I become a train voyeur? I need therapy.

Having nothing to do and getting the idea this was not going
to be my day, I shot the new signal still lying on the ground.
I need a signal. If it's still there tomorrow, my driveway traffic
problems may be over.

Now look, from the 902, they are all hitched. I still can't see
what no. 5 is.

OK, a BNSF, 2 NS's, another BNSF and old Santa FE.
They all coupled while I was messing around. I miss everything.

Nothing was happening so I moved on.

There's a guy that fixes up old buses by the underpass.
If you need a bus, go by. I want this. I think it's called a
deuce and a half. It looks economical, easy to park and
maneuverable in traffic. I know my wife will like it.
The lady behind it likes it.

Needing a place of solace, I went to the head of Railroad St.
and gazed at the old Alexandria Branch rails. The rails that
turn to the right meet the main line going west at Alex Jct.
If you kept straight you'd meet the main line and be almost
to the depot. Those are bricks on the left and so is Baker
Brick Co. which has a siding off the BR.

The rails going to the depot cross the BR Branch just above
Cameron street. Of course I fall into the past when explaining stuff.
They once crossed the BR. The cut out in the rails is still there. But,
the BR has been moved a bit and I can prove it.

I'd give it up. Nothing was moving. Mz Allegheny just sat there.
No lights, no motor, nobody.

So, nothing was moving at the yard going east. Mz Allegheny
wasn't moving, still sitting out on the BR with last week's
cars from the salt mine, the obvious was happening. There
was a big son of a gun coming from the east. I hauled it
back downtown and missed the engines, sitting at a stop
light 4 blocks away. It was flying through town. It had
to be a 5 or 6 banger.

Well now, it had passed, something could move. For sure
the gang of 5 at the 902 could leave now. I stationed
myself in a field near the depot. It was a fine place which
I'll use again. While there, I got so bored I shot a couple of
old houses. I could have shot an old house at home.

Nothing. I heard the dispatcher answer a question about
anything coming from New Iberia. She said there wasn't, so,
there wasn't anything stopping the group of 5 except maybe
being worn out from all that coupling. Disgusted, I left.
I dropped by to see if Mz A was still there, which she was.

It's 6:32, BNSF 4691 E., head engine of the gang of 5, had
been ready to roll since 4:00. He just got his warrant.
I waited until 5:00 and couldn't hold out anymore.
I don't know if Mz Allegheny ever moved.
I missed the Limited and I missed the west bound.
I may be getting too old for this.
Maybe "Busted Flat" old?