Today's Trains: Fishing in a Small Pond

The New Iberia area rails have lost no ground in rail activity over the years.
In fact, without actual facts, I'll state that traffic has quadrupled times ten or eleven.
Maybe even twelve..
Monday would not disappoint.
This small pond  had fish jumping  all day.
I'll try calling the play by  play.
Here we go!!
Amtrak was about on time coming in from New Orleans.

 After Amtrak a lone L&D tug, 1709, headed for the old Missouri Pacific rails.
 After the mainline switch it would head through the neighborhoods to the east yard.

 It noisily crossed La.182 {the old US 90/ Old Spanish Trail route}
 The yard begins at the defunct Iberia Sugar Coop.
L&D 1200 awaits. Switching would commence.

 It was headed east to the end of the line of carbon black cars.
 Here it waits for the switch to be turned so it can get up behind the cars.
 I headed back to the mill.

 Visiting the Avery Island branch, here came L&D RR1504.
 It was waiting for this westbound freight.
Wait, how many engines were there?
 This is the last portion of the north turn the rails take coming in from the east.
A west turn occurs in Lafayette.
Between New Iberia and Lafayette the rails do a gentle climb out of the Atchafalaya Basin  up onto the Louisiana Plains for the most part avoiding the Coteau Ridge.

 Back on the Avery, 1504 was still waiting.
The Port of Iberia and the Abbeville rice mills are the main money makers out that way.
 Well, maybe I should real back the Avery Island label. 
It actually tapped the New Iberia to Eunice / Mamou route.
 She hit the main line with her rice cars and sped to Lafayette.
Two engines headed her up. 
I would see them pull the longest L&D train I've ever seen coming back from Lafayette.
 It is my feeling that the Louisiana and Delta RR is rolling in green.

 I rode back to the "MoP" and the crossing was blocked.
Most traffic knows the detour.
 I told L&D RR 2000 adios and moved on.
 Heading to Lafayette to catch my 6 pack UP led train, I stopped by Acadiana Regional Airport (the industrial park known as "ARA" to the railroad crowd.
 At the Lafayette Yard she sat.
 I kept trying different angles, even pulling onto Ambassador Caffery Thruway, putting out my safety cones 
and taking a few shots.  If you were delayed, I apologize.
 The new crew waited in the sun.  They did not look chippy.
He yelled at me, "Look at the damn train!"
 The train was broken. No, not broken broken, broken up so the employees of the yard could get to 
work over the crossing. It was very very very long. No commas. I ran out.
 On the east end of the yard a BNSF  train was moving east.

 When at the Grand Canyon you take a lot of pictures.
When at the Lafayette Yard, and extensions, you take a lot of pictures.
 Heading up Grant St. When on Grant St. you  take a lot of .......

 I caught her near Broussard. My crossing of Lafayette had been painfully slow.

 Below: What's wrong with this picture?
 No, I don't drive on the left side of the road most of the time.
It is an over the shoulder shot which I've perfected.
No brag, just fact.
 The mirror shot needs some help.

 Coming at her from the west was BNSF engine and a former Santa Fe engine done up in her War Bonnet.
Sadly, it needed cleaning and touching up.

 The train from Lafayette met the train from new Iberia south of Capt. Cade Road. My timing was off.
 I believe the meet was in the trees. These meets are always very exciting. 
Not getting run over while excited is rewarding.

 I went north and waited in one of my ditches.
 The long distance shots were working.
I figured they would be water color mush. Not so. Well, not that bad.

 The "gentle climb" really commences north of Cade. I believe that is Bayou Tortue.
An earlier discussion of Bayou Tortue has rendered no recollection of anything useful at this point.
 Zooming out for the water colors.

 Backing off.
 Just a split second denied perfection. I'd like to have included all of the "cow catcher".
 More "fishing in the small pond", later.
A PS note is below.
Oops forgot to tell you about the hobos.
They tried jumping the 6 pack train. The train stopped and they were ....
I didn't get the rest of the story.