Socialism and the Pit of Doom

The term "Socialism" by itself seems a little rough.  Visions of a uninspired lazy population 
dependent on the government as if calves on the tit come to mind.  Daily lives are a succession of 
  lines for groceries to healthcare dealt out by some sweating nursing aid. There are no 
doctors unless you count the ones working for the government  in genetic technology. 

Ugly, isn't it.  Let's doctor up that term, "Socialism".  Let call it "European Democratic Socialism", 
what our president envisions as "Change you can Believe In". . Sorry, the lip gloss  won't  stick to
 that hog.  Junior, socialism  is the precipice bordering communism. Learn about communism in 
North Korea, North Vietnam, and Eastern Europe prior to the fall of the CCCP, commonly know as " Communist Russia" back in the day.
Study history and know that is happening here. 
Who is Judge Roberts, who is Barack Obama?

These are the Americans who blindly follow Obama.
Did he tell them there was something free down there?