Happy Dependence Day

No Ranting, just fact.
49.5% of Americans pay no federal income tax.  They are dependents on those who do.
70% of the federal budget is allocated to supporting entitlement programs.

 The Rant Part
Obama wants to create a dependent society that will addict Americans to the dole.
That has already happened.
Our forefathers fought for independence in a war by the same name.
They are rolling in their graves at what we  have become.
If you use public "welfare money" when you absolutely positively could do without, you are 
as dependent as a drug addict and you may be that, also.
For example:
Obama wants you to be on food stamps. He uses federal funds to advertise them.
He wants more dependents, thus his lust for illegals to become legal.
This is not a day to celebrate, it is time to tell King Obama we've had enough of his pandering
and attempts to "divide and conquer" our people.  
That drug lord must go back to his roots, 
the slums of S.Chicago where the addicts love him.
He's selling us the pit.