The Lost Loop p.6: N. Alley to End

The Alley to US 90 and Beyond.
Click the maps to enlarge. Or open in another window.

The Alley waited. I was past Ave. D, maybe that's Ave C?
If I show any confidence in my analysis of the following,
you are misreading me.

The dark alley lay ahead. Was I going where I shouldn't?
See "Alley Start". For the sake of argument, lets assume
that is where the alley started.

There was the usual warning sign and another which folded.
I wondered why.

The position of the "2 Tracks" warning is confusing. I ran
into this in New Iberia. The warning sign is for the rails after you
turn, in this case, to the left. There would be 2 rails there, one
noticeable, one, not so much.

This big one lay ahead. It was obvious that it was served by
the rails. It could have been by the Southern Pacific or the
Frisco. I found something.

I rode down there and walked back. I had seen something
and couldn't U-turn the top heavy bike. Look above the
bike for a pipe hanging down.

That's right, I was riding on the mill's service tracks.
One more rail tie shot.

I'm glad those sand bags were there. They mark where
the connector rails went off to meet the SP mainline . This
all sounds very trivial. But, this small root of information
could grow a tree of information concerning the history
of alliances within the milling community and possibly
spill over to political implications. The world has been
a web forever. The internet did not invent that web,
it only amplified it while broadening its scope.

Actually, the rails to the right of the bike connected to the
rails on the left of the bike, the ones that are under the
gravel. Those rails would turn toward the south and
connect with the SP. Sorry, I couldn't say that with a
straight face.

You see?

My thoughts are that my GPS was off, showing south of the
rails I was on. These rails all merged and run into the
the present day AKDN or what was the MP or the Frisco or before that
the New Orleans, Texas and Mexico RR. Wait, I'm scaring

The north set of rails, not the ones under the road, still
seemed viable. This north spur of the Friso/AKDN could
still reach the mill.

I was now where you see "T-Turn" on the map.

I would have to go north (right). A tank car can be seen in
the far distance.

I mentioned that the alley seemed a likely "hobo jungle".
I should have said that between the alley and he SP could
have served that purpose. On the north side I saw this
large block of cement. I was not inclined to venture back
in there to investigate. I do back off at times. More lately.

There were piles of trash and rails.

This must be looking west?

This, for sure is looking west. Why did I post this picture?
Some one might see something I missed. It's happened before.

When I came to the end of the alley, as I said, I had to
turn north and then back west to follow the rails. I was
now amongst the top tier of rails spurred off the AKDN.

On the map I have labeled, "Angled Building" I noticed it
because Mark had mentioned an angled building in Opelousas.
Both were built to coordinate with an angled spur.

The bushes to the left are where that tank car was. I think.
It is the line that is second closest to the SP rails.

You can see the chicane in the rails to the left of "Angled Building".
I believe that's where Louisiana Bag sits. By the way, the rails
where "Angled Building"is, happens to be the same set that
went to the Frisco Depot. So that spur went across Parkerson,
the main street of Crowley, to the depot. It had to have gone
on the other side of t he big mill, also.

I was moving in on US 90. A bulk plant looking place was
along the way.

Also, closeby was this collection of cement blocks next to the
rails. They are marked "Cement" on the map.

I turned west on US 90 and saw where AKDN crossed over
US 90. The picture below may be what I saw on the
north side of US 90, as the AKDN rails travel north to
meet the trunk line. I've been waiting for a place to plug
this shot in. I think it works here.

I rode west on 90 until I got to Roller Road. There I turned
south, crossing the SP/Up main line. I noticed some old
rails off on the north side. They would open a whole
new can of worms.

This is the end of exploring the rails on the north side
of the SP. There is so much more below that main line.
How it all fits together drove me crazy and there is still
a missing link. Oh, the next page we'll start from where
we started this side, back at La.13, and see if we can get it
figured out.
CLICK HERE to explore the South Side. It will end up
back here.