Run to the Border 5

Mike and Mark just chimed in asking where to go next, so I guess I better get to it. I've never done an audience participation ride report before. I've always thought it was something you read and considered, first. I have several temptations gnawing at me. OK , I'll behave myself.
In this age of instant communications using satellite laptop computers, anything is possible. I might make this site live and just talk to people riding around. They can camera back to me what they see and their GPS will let me know where they are and.. and...and.....and.......

I reached newer Old US 90. Evidently Old Old 90 was one block north where you see "Old Spanish" as in "Old Spanish Trail". That's a term you can Google and learn some stuff. I've been on a lot of it that is still gravel. It's poignant riding that road and incurring just a little of what it took our ancestors to get anywhere. Pavement is a new concept in Louisiana. It's also one that is subject to opinion as to what qualifies as a "paved road".

Mike and Mark, just try to get through Sulfur without getting killed. That's your immediate task. Clearing Sulfur, keep straight. I'll bring you back through later.

Have you ever noticed the oaks which were obviously planted
on the sides of some of our historic old roads? They were
planted as landscaping to beautify the busy thoroughfares.
US 190 has them north of Baton Rouge. They may be south
of BR on US 61.

I know I've seen them elsewhere. Ah, La.1 south of Baton
Rouge sports them. I think the common denominator is that
they were used on roads approaching the capital city, BR.
I'll bet Huey Long had a hand in it, or the CCC. Google it.

Then why are they here? We are going away from BR and
US 90 doesn't go there anyway. I'm glad I reread this. Riding
down straight roads promotes thought. Writing about
straight roads promotes thought, likewise. So never short change
a straight road.

Not that way, we're going west.

If you decide to motor west, take the highway that's the best.
Keep off I-10. It's the exception to the rule. It will make you crazy.
People screw up everything. This was the sum of the traffic on 90.
I waited a long time for them to come along so I could show the
DOT that there is traffic and they need to maintain this historic
road because I like to use it. Believe me, this site is read by DOT
people. They leave a foot print just like the rest of us. Hey Roger.
Man, how many hours can you "spend" here? You're spending
our money playing on the internet. Come back, now.

I took this one during a brief interlude in the constant stream of
out of state tourist wanting to spend big bucks riding the Old Spanish Trail.

Of course the old Southern Pacific RR, now the Union Pacific,
curse the yankees, follows the road. Since it was there, I know that
you, Mark and Mike, want to pull off and see it. The more
you see, the heavier the experience gets until you are completely
weighed down and just can't go any more. Are you getting sleepy?

Soon you'll see the Great Hall of Vinton looming over the
countryside. No kidding, aren't the clouds great. I wish
there had been some lightning.

Suddenly, it was getting lighter.

Vinton Co-op Drier Inc.

Is that Egor looking out he window? Look again.

What does a rice drier do?

One thing it does is provide bragging rights. So you were born
and raised in a town of 23o people. At least you can brag
that you have a six story building in your downtown. Not
every one from a town of 230 people can do that. I still think they
should be turned into Bed and Breakfast tourist traps. Shoot,
I might be the first customer. Mike and Mark, it ain't open yet and
it doesn't have a pool or restaurant, so best just ride by.
You can get in trouble in Vinton. In a dim past which I don't claim,
that almost happened.

I think preparations have begun for some type
of entertainment use of the old building. Is that
a cable coming off of it? Whoa, can you ride a
pulley down it? "Come experience the Vinton
Co-Op Pulley Ride".

Mark, Mike, I saw a Stop and Shop over yonder.
Maybe they'll have some Veeners and bread, so take
a break until I get back with you.

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