been copied Ferriday to Home

This is the last leg of the Packton to Ferriday Adventure.

We were in Ferriday, Louisiana, way on the other side of my normal world and it was five 0'clock in the dimming afternoon. We were starting to get noticed after circling this one area for the sixth time. I knew it was time to drop the hammer and let sparks fly.

I never know if Al senses the gravity of certain situations. I believe he did as he hugged my rear fender as if a child grasping a teddy bear. We flew in tandem well above our normal speed, somewhere approaching the state's ordained limit.

La.15 exits Ferriday in a no frills fall to the Mississippi levee. There it mounts the levee's ridge, riding it to Deer Park where it momentarily dismounts only to mount again. I wildly shot as we wound it up atop that lonesome road. I am surprised the shots were not blurred, I was.

We stopped at Deer Park. I wanted Al to see the old steamboat there.
He was more interested in the landing.

We left noticing the high water marks on the street signs from the Spring floods.

Agriculture proceeded in its yearly dance.

A yellow crop duster joined the party.

Finally, we were on home turf, below the Red River, as we crossed the Old River Control Structure. Each time I go by this place I'm reminded of how this exploring on a motorcycle thing got started. You've heard that story. Hey Lonnie, wherever you are.

All is nice and dry here at the "over bank" relief area.

Old Mama lay ahead. She's been doing her thing, protecting
the people of the Basin, for many years. But, she's old and things
keep changing. How much longer can she hold on?

We exited La.15 at La.418 and went toward Simmesport.
There we rode up ancient La.1 to where it had crossed Edenborn's
other bridge, the one that crosses the Atchafalaya. Remember the other
one at Alexandria near where we started this treck?

With this shot the camera battery went dead. Good, and now I realize how great its timing was.

The ride home was endless, but fast. In ohter words, we went fast endlessly.
Simmesport is 100 miles from my house. It is doable in a weakened condition, I keep telling myself. Cooler weather is coming. Yes, we made it home before dark. Just.
See ya out on the road. Oh, you may want to look at some of my research links. CLICK HERE