Train Chase: On Time

I had the scanner playing in the background. I heard the
dispatcher tell the engineer of a freight coming up from
Franklin that he had "Amtrak" coming from the west and
that the freight would have to take the long sidetrack at
Cade until it got by. The impatient engineer asked when
the Amtrak would be by. The dispatcher said it was due
into Lafayette at 10:30, but snickered, ''there's no telling".
I went through an abridged version of achieving public
decency and hopped on the DR 650, my favorite urban
scooter. I rode out to the west yard and decided I didn't
want the shot there. I would go to downtown Lafayette
near the intersection of N. Pierce and Cameron where
the old SP made a long 90 degree turn south from it's
west east ride. The curve would provide the shot.
I heard the horns marking each road crossing. It was almost
on time. The crossing in the distance marks the old Alex-
andria branch junction. The one to the left is the Baton
Rouge route famous for its Basin crossing which is history.

It was headed to the old depot for a brief 10 minute stop.
I underestimated it stopping time.

It bolted from the station. I should have kept trucking to
set up for another shot.

Down the Evangeline Thruway it sped.

The Sunset Limited was long gone. The waiting freight
still sat at Cade.

You can't beat a Train.