The Parasite Class

 This is an old one, but it still applies:

I heard that phrase the other day and thought it a bit harsh. Then I considered its validity. In a society there are the producers and the reliant. In America's case, the reliant class is populated by the purposely reliant as opposed to the truly needy who have no recourse though they have tried. The purposely reliant are the Parasite Class which the speaker mentioned. They are the ones that keep as their Bible an up to date list of services and monetary handouts available to them and a guide on how to formulate the most efficient and profitable use of those monies and services. These giveaways have been supplied by vote paying politicians who protect and promote this class as their election day war chest. You know who they are. Most have "D" as part of their title. Until now, our country has been able to live with these maggots and the criminal politicians that intravenously feed the PC with our blood though its gotten harder. As with most parasites, they don't know when to stop. In the end they kill their host. Look at California. Look at Massachusetts. Look at Canada. Look at Great Britain.

Obama's "Health Care" and Cap and Trade bills are that final step. Yes, the US will go bankrupt and small businesses die. Those US Bonds, as well as the currency will be worthless. China, owner of most of our debt, will come to collect what's left. What then?

Are you one of the 52 or 53 percent that voted for this devil? Do you consider yourself a member of the Parasite Class? Surely most of you do not, but you, by supporting Obama, are facilitating the PC. The Democratic Party parasite enablers are trying to suck the last drop of blood from a very sick country in hopes of buying more votes. They are even eying illegal aliens as pawns. Why are they in such a rush? They see the doctor coming in the door in the 2010 elections.

Consider this. Is bankrupting the US, with the help of the PC, a goal. What kind of government would emerge? What countries would come to our "rescue"? What is happening is not novel fiction though it seems like it. It's real, it's Obama's Washington, DC, and its sucking tentacles that come reaching through our front doors. Get an ax in 2012, or it's the end.

That's it. Our forefathers would be disgusted, grow up, Nannie Barack has horns. His aim is power over you, the individual.

PS. VP Joe "Loony Lips" Buydem just affirmed that we could go bankrupt. Honest. Of course his fix was to spend more money. Goddammit, if you don't get it by now, with the chief administration stooge saying it, you are hopeless. Of course, hopefully, that was just another in a line of their lies. Rationalize away it all as inevitable or join the Ax Brigade. It's up to you.