Sunday Evening's Big Cigar

I'd dozed in and out of watching "Pickers".
I'd blown off going riding today.
My excuse was that I was tired from my morning's work in the yard, in the heat and in the humidity.
That was on top of yesterday' ordeal. 
I then rewarded myself by going into neutral.
While enjoying the show about junk dealing,
I flipped on the radio and heard that the Sunset Limited was just clearing 
Iowa Junction at 5:05.
It was scheduled  to leave Lafayette at 5:15. That wasn't going to happen.
It is 59 miles from Iowa Junction to Lafayette.
A short slowdown would occur at the Mermentau Bridge.
A longer slow down would be in Crowley.
Then beginning with the Lafayette Yard, it would have 
to slow to 45 and then probably 35 in Lafayette. 
I'm not sure on that last figure.
I might have an hour to meet it at Cade, 22 miles away, but 
I needed gas first. 
I stopped in north St.Martinville and filled  up.
Then I took the Terrace Rd. to Duchamp Rd., 
that putting me north of Cade. I headed south into Cade and 
the train  almost immediately showed up.
I was not mentally and physically ready and missed some wonderful opportunities.
So what's new?
Duchamp Road
 Captain Cade Road
 A rare 3 engined L&W sat on the siding waiting for the soon to appear passenger train.

 There are setting I could have adjusted if I'd  had 30 minutes to figure it all out.
The new little cheapo camera and I are still not one, but may be at some point.

 I was  just thinking about the ride into New Orleans over the Huey P. Long Bridge at 9 pm. 
I need to do that.

 Then it slowed and came to a halt.
The conductor reported a stop light.
Almost immediately a signal maintainer showed up
and flipped the switch.
I pulled alongside the train and I promise you, it 
and I accelerated at close to the same rate and 
the little 650 dirt bike is not that slow.
I had no time to set up at Camp Pratt.

 This is the Camp Pratt shot. 
Along with that I shot 3 movies of my gas tank, my knee and blurred trains while
killing the battery which caused me to miss another good picture. Pathetic.
 Uselessly, I chased it into New Iberia.
 You can see it disappearing down by the church.
 Then I'd try for a few late evening pictures
The L&D Washington St. Yard.
 Heading home on Washington St.
Approaching Cade, I saw that the 3 engined L&D was still sitting.
I knew another one was coming.
This was cut from my latest movie, "A Little Train
and a Lot of Leg".
 Back down Duchamp.

It's a pretty road and these shots, for sure, do not do it justice.
 And home.  
Those are sugarcane carts waiting for Fall which will be here shortly.
Until then it will be very hot.
When I left the house it was till over 90F.
I  put on sun screen and it was after 5pm.
I had visions of using the  late afternoon lighting in some creative way.
No cigar there for sure. Still, being able to "do on a whim" cannot be beat.
That's the BIG CIGAR