The Jasper and Eastern RR.......Going West 2

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The road zigged and zagged. At Chasmore I got a few more pictures of the forest route.

I jumped a creek and took this spectacular shot.

And what did I find? Look, when you can get excited about finding rotted wood you've lowered your expectations which ultimately will make you a happier person. I've never written such deep bullshit.

I hadn't stopped in a while.

For large parcels? Hey B., you got one of those?

Here's the 2nd to last ROW ghost shot. From DeRidder on the old route is railed and in some use.

I was now in Beauregard Parish. Google General Beauregard. His statue is at the entrance to City Park in New Orleans. See it SOON. Assume what you will from that suggestion. Also, see the Confederate Museum on Lee Circle if it's still there. I understand it is in the vicinity of the D-Day Museum.

I shot up Fisher Road for this last ROW shot.

Here's what you see on modern maps.

Here's what I use, Garmin's old Topo maps. Above you see I've written in "Longville Railroad". More on that later.

I had again found Martin Luther King St. I rode up MLK to shoot the tracks but decided my timing was bad, again. I did take one shot of the school signs.

I was now in Obama Country.

Rant coming: "Body Armor" sounded like a good idea. The teachers should have a fair chance but it might step on the toes of the children wanting to kill them. The teacher's plight seems familiar. Our CIA operatives and soldiers are now dealing with the same kind of problem. They have been stabbed in the back by our government in the person of President BO. He is now disclosing our means of obtaining information from our enemies. I'm telling you this in case you don't watch a real news program but one of the government's surrogates like NBC or MSNBC or NPB. He will add to that travesty pictures of the same. No, nothing is wrong with him. He's just being himself. An obvious traitor has never been in such a high office. What is he hoping to do? He will endanger all the people who stick their heads out for our protection. He will increase our problems abroad. He is such a wimp, a nasty little wimp. He is being controlled by the far left who hates America's goodness. He apologizes to anyone he can find. He's still campaigning for president, Class President, and to the same people with the same IQ. If you voted for him, whatcha think now? Rant over and I fear the United States is also.

Back to the railroad.

I found Post Plant Road. Where you see all the tracks in a yard configuration was the mill yard. A similar yard was seen back at Oakdale, near the location of the mystery engine. See, I haven't forgotten, keep going. See the map above.

Oh boy, oh boy!! Now I'd have real rails to follow.

I want my location to be clear. The Longville RR was alive at this point. Picture was taken at RRX on map (lower right, blue flag).

Here's looking toward Longville.

The crossing was not high tech.

I tried to get a shot of the lower mill. I had hopes of seeing some remnants of the rail yard. I saw none, but that's not saying it wasn't there. I did see a couple of houses that were on what I guessed to be mill property, so I shot them.

To the right of the house might have been some yard remnants?

Here's the exact address of where I was.

I was not coming into DeRidder on the main drag, nor the scenic route.

Here's another map to better see the mill set up and understand this interchange. The KCS runs north and south. The J&E/Santa Fe/surrogate, comes in from the northeast and goes southwest. The Longville branch cuts across the north east end of the mill and accessed it.

It seems the mighty J&E now ends in a pile of sand.

The KCS passes by. I wonder if lamenting comments are spoken.

I had to go north and then west and then south to find the rails. Had the J&E gone through town and not stopped at a station? The KCS had a fine station. I left town perplexed. I expected to find a station. This is the KCS station.

Graybow followed the rails to Merryville. I was hooked up. The "Ties" weigh point is incorrect. That's later. The name "Graybow" reflects the Indian heritage of the area. An Indian sheriff's deputy approached me in Merryville. I first thought he was an old hippie, but realized his ponytail was authentic. I bored him to death and he soon left.

The rails crossed Palmetto Creek.

Then I saw another Hurricane Rita/Katrina trailer cache.

These rails need help.

Graybow crossed to the south side of the tracks. Here's another map. Click it to enlarge. I was at Old Airport Road if you need to ask how to get there.

Signs of rail life appeared.

Was this a-de wheeled box car or a car designed to be a storage box?

Ahead I saw a sign on the right of way. It marked Boise Cascade's property and siding, I'll guess. That is the large loop to the north and then east where it joins the KCS.

I know one person who is interested in these pictures. If you are not that person, seek therapy. He's beyond help.

These cars were on the loop north.

The rails going west looked like they could use some new ties.

Next we'll visit Maryville, Bon Weir,TX, come back to Merryville and look some more and then head down La.110 to Longville and look around, then on down to Ragley and US 190 to follow another railroad east. There I'll have a map that brings the routes of the various rail lines into some clarity.

Honestly, the national situation is so depressing, I can't enjoy this right now. They are even blaming their communistic changes in our country on President Bush. How will they blame the next Moslem "extremist" (can we still say that?) attach on Bush? They will.

Hey Kid Dynamite, would you use water boarding to save your children? Why won't you allow its use to protect mine?

Let's get out of her. CLICK HERE TO GO TO PAGE 3