Overtime on a Friday

Spring has finally sprung.  This was the first gray Walmart t-shirt ride of the year.
It was sunny and warm and after 5pm on Friday.
The same old stuff felt so very good.
I'd run the rails, jockey for position, and chance time over and over. The game was on.
I blew the first encounters at Cade and at  the Ditch.
My lack of patience was the cause.
I had plenty of time to prepare but could not sit still.
I'd hustle to New Iberia for another chance.
  She was at the station. A lady's voice came from the cab.
She was counting cars to dead stop.
A familiar male voice  pronounced the order,

Potential Energy (Wiki)
is the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position relative to others, stresses within itself, electric charge, and other factors.
Kinetic Energy (Wiki)
In physics, the kinetic energy of an object is the energy which it possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes. The same amount of work is done by the body in decelerating from its current speed to a state of rest.
She was pulling hard.
 I hadn't planned the graveyard shot.
She began to move before I was set and this is as far as I'd gotten.
I sat in the middle of the street like I owned it.
Tourist were probably shooting back at me or the graves, maybe?
Our cemeteries are unique to some.
I  pulled out onto Washington St. and rode with the train as it ran the boulevard.
No shots were taken. A "mistake" while paralleling can cause a lane change and that would be
Why would a "mistake" occur?
 The "Moth Effect".
Copied from Here.
"Clark et al. studied pilot errors due to "fascination", concentration on some object or task that caused loss of voluntary control over response ....where pilots ... felt drawn to a target and could not avoid the attraction. If the target is a light viewed at night, then the phenomenon is now called the "moth to the flame effect" or more often the "moth effect".The moth effect has also long been discussed by motorcycle riders, who call the phenomenon "target fixation". The NHTSA-funded "Model National Standards For Entry-Level Motorcycle Rider Training" includes target fixation as a rider hazard: "staring at the object you are trying to avoid. Associated with riders striking obstacles they were attempting to avoid
{now this is funny}
." The standard warns riders to avoid such behavior"
Or, "Just don't do dat, you".
Not mentioned is the positive use of  "target fixation".
If things are going badly, like misjudging a turn, look to where you want to go and your bike
will follow. I ran over so many co-eds many years ago.  I use this technique in turns, beginning to end.
I crossed behind the train as it cleared the crossing.
 The train flowed gracefully through the curve that restores its eastward direction to New Orleans.
 Close on its tail were these two.
The Sunset Limited conductor had notified the waiting L&D tuggers that Lafayette had let them
loose in the passenger train's wake.
 An L&D tug waited for the dust to clear on the main line. She sat on the old Avery Island run.
Another prepared to go west, well actually north depending on your orientation.
Railroader mind set:  west.
You or I:  north. 
I've been told that sort of misdirection can be found in some old timetables.
She'd be "running lite" to her destination.
I ran back home.  
Wanting a good picture of the sky and countryside that were putting on a show,
 I seemed to have featured transmission lines and a gas pipeline instead.
The picture below was taken in my tax preparer's office.  I should have turned off his light.
I suppose that would have freaked him out a little and my presented collection of scrap paper
receipts and scribblings had already done that to the limits.

I need to tune up my picture taking a little. It's been a while.
He bought the poster for 3 dollars. 
He has been offered $750.
Ain't capitalism great!
It's not for sale.
Ain't freedom great! 
 A little rant below.

Whose going to figure out your fine / tax to the IRS goons, enforcers for the 
 Affordable Care Act, if you don't have an approved by big ears  health insurance policy?
His silver haired bitch dog keeps changing the due date depending on you position as 
a favored entity of Big Brother. 
They don't want you to feel the pain before the November elections.
And the pain will come if you put these communists back in power.
This is not America. You know that, don't you? Most don't care.
They will.
Take our country back.
What can you do locally? 
Throw Sen. Kiss Obama's @$$ Landrieu OUT.