The Last Train to Chatawa

First of all, I like to start these things on a high.
If you think the rest of this mediocre ride report stinks, 
at least give me credit for a fantastic title.
It's downhill from here though much of the ride would 
be uphill, up the road into very Southern SW Mississippi.

Kentwood, first up on US 51, is a very sad little town.
As my daughter said, "If your town didn't get interstate
frontage, it is going to die".
Kentwood does have the railroad and a few businesses 
that feed off its connection.
This is the only shot taken this time in Kentwood.
Oh, Kentwood is located atop a sweet water aquifer which 
supplies my house by way of truck as my hometown 
water is toxic.

Next up is the Pike County Space Administration Launch Facility. (PCSALF).
The county is not very rich but they were so embarrassed by President BO's 
depending on and connivings with the Russians that they decided to
initiate their on space program.  The unit is ready for launch. 
The fuel is being stored at the still under lock and key.

 The Trestles of Pike County
That's another pretty good title I may use in the future.
Don't go stealing it and make some movie.
Clint backs me up on that and you, if a liberal
Hollywood type, you don't want to mess with Clint.
He said he had my back on that and would 
be interested in a minor part if I ever developed a scrip.
How would one create a "minor part" for Mr. Eastwood.
I'm thinking his offer was a riddle.
Very funny, Clint, sir.

Addressing the trestle  below, I noticed it is also 
of Romanesque design similar in all detail to the 
one at Fluker. I am wondering which company
took such a visually pleasing approach to a dang ol' trestle.
I'm thinking it predates the Illinois Central's proprietorship.

 Next up was Osyka.
The old depot is that building.
It has been modified beyond depotic recognition.
I'd push the envelope a bit farther and head up the 
tracks to see where the side track diverged from the main.
I've always been a "confluence" junkie. Highways,
waterways, and railroads and even life share in that facet.
They require decisions determined by motivation.
 First I'd shoot the easy shot, north.
The tracks rejoined within sight.

Next I turned around to capture the sleeping OFD (Osyka Fire Department).
I'll have to consult my military expert, but I do believe that is what is referred to as a 
"Deuce and a Half".
My daughter's dog is named Deuce after the Saintly halfback, Mr Deuce McAllister.

 Taking this two rut road south from town I found the confluence I had sought.
These are powerful places.
 Looking north, I suddenly clicked that 
the Osyka passing track also occupied this stretch.
The rails on the right are the old rails in which I was interested.
I think that by this time you are realizing this ride was 
all about hunting the Amtrak train, The City of New Orleans,
as it sped northward to Chicago.
 Heading back north into town I realized I'd missed this old building.
It may be the firehouse. 
The paint is the same as the feed mill building's  so 
they may own it or possibly they contributed the paint.
Might be a brother in law?  I know a fella whose 
brother in law is a fire chief.
Being fire chief doesn't make you special.
He is widely known for his dry to mostly burned 
barbeque chicken
I suppose that is "special" since he's in the burning business.
 I couldn't stay in Osyka.
I'd been there too long and I am a presence.
I felt that talk and rumor were running the streets, 
building to building and house to house.
I could not catch the C of NO there.

Heading north again I thought of Chatawa. 
It would be perfect.
I hadn't seen the new bridge and I was optomistic that the
old post office would still be open.
The bridge was open.
From that point a cloud of sadness descended as
an emotional fog upon the landscape.
The landmark home of the USPS was closed and 
early signs of deterioration were in progress.
  My grief was temporarily severed by the ear shattering wale of The C of NO's horns.
My daughter said those horns almost made her wreck one day while driving down US 51.  
When a loud warning type noise from an unknown origin occurs, it is 
very disquieting. Disquieting can be followed by PO'd in some situations.
She expressed that emotion  and I sensed she blamed me in part.
I can understand  and I apologized on behalf of the train.
She complained that it goes too fast, also.
I concurred which seemed to calm her.
 Moments like this require no text.

 Wishing not to look back at the little abandoned building,
home to so much history, I resorted to a few artsy shots.
(I hate that usage of a perfectly good word)

 Alas, I knew this would be the last time I'd come to Chatawa.

 The famous old artesian well was but a wet spot in the limestone.
It had been removed by the railroad in retribution for all the littering.
You can weigh that action in a number of ways.
 I thought I saw an image the wetness had made.
It may be a deer.or a horned devil animal.
 Sadly I left  the river and rails and headed up the hill to St.Mary's Convent.
This is another Pike Co. beauty spot.
 I found my old route down State Line Road.
It starts in a swampy area.

 Then I found a landmark I've monitored since 2003.
 Time is short.
Katrina hastened the inevitable.

 Back into Louisiana, I found the old La.38 store.
I've been inside a long time ago.
 A high hill offered up this pastoral scene which this picture did not translate.

 I made a premature turn and came face to face with this country church.
The minister must be a rock star as the church appears to be in fine health.
 Next and last is this little building.
It made me homesick.
I made haste in that direction.
I'd hit the road again the next day.
That to come.