2013 A Note to Our Dear Mary Landrieu

 She wrote me since I'm one of her "Friends" that she was for the Keystone Pipeline because energy=jobs
 I  had to respond since she said in closing, "Keep in touch".

Re: energy=jobs
Dear likewise Friend: (you are probably one of Marie's goons, no doubt, still, let's be buddies.)
Here is some more math.
Lower taxes and less government involvement = jobs.
How can anyone hire when their money is going down the sewer of government misguided programs and a new regulation a minute is baffling.
But, I know, there's another math, government giveaways = votes, votes = 6 more years and power.
More regulations = more government jobs and more votes by those wanting to perpetuate their employment in a powerful position as an overseer (a word from slave times) of society.
That's where it's at, correct? Power and building The Party is the real goal.
Claiming to be for the pipeline is just another vote buying ploy, isn't the "base" enough, 52 or 53% some say?
Socialism = Greece / France / Spain and riots in the street by a spoiled reliant society.  We're there. BO was reelected. Now he wants more potential welfare/ food stamp / free medicine sucking citizens from south of our porous border, one which Arizona wanted to secure and was sued for trying  by a, some say, criminal Attorney Gen.
Obama = the end of this county as a place of hope and freedom to become successful. If you were for jobs why didn't you support Romney?
And, your vote against the pipeline can be bought, we know,  just like it was for the worst piece of legislation,  legislation that is causing job loss because of its attack on large and small businesses  We are still finding out about that one, as we were assured would happen by the "lady" from SF , Comrade Pelosi. No amount of energy fed jobs can make up for the harm you and yours have already done  to our economy.
Keep printing that money and running the debt to the moon, the country will fall as I'm sure  "the plan" outlines.  And, as always, keep these updates coming. Grins are hard to find in these dark days of authoritarian  rule by the man from the welfare funded state of Hawaii, the son of celebrated communist parents.