Yes, the "Communist Broadcasting System" is what they are.
The always left leaning network has gone over the edge. Yes Walter Cronkite, the father-like evening news reader, was a lefty but he had to tether his mouth because we were actually fighting Communists back in his time instead of destroying our defenses in order to placate a Russian government as our new "father", the leftists Obama and Ms Clinton are doing.

What has irked me so this morning is the piece I just watched on CBS's morning show. Its main theme was examining European Socialism and judging it better than our Capitalism. It used images of the Republican candidates attacking Europe's codling Socialist governments. As an example of "socialist governments" they sited Germany and its 5.7 % unemployment. They failed to explain what industries made up that employment and what were government jobs. Indeed, Germany is one of the countries in Europe that is also polarized between the wanting cradle to grave care and those wanting freedom. It is also the country that Hitler, an Austrian, saw as a fertile field. Fascism and Socialism are twins so we know the "hard working" Germans do have a "little weakness". There were pictures of people sitting and drinking coffee on the squares, interviews with lovelies saying how they "don't have to worry" if they have no money, etc., and that no one would want to go to America and leave all the goodies behind, and if they did, "the Republicans would not get their vote".

CBS did not go to Greece or Spain or Great Britain for the riots or ... or ...or did they explain that comparing Germany with the United State is the extreme of comparing "apples with oranges". I could go down the list of the none comparable, but I will not. I'll just mention "demographics". If Germany had to deal with ours, they would immediately declare martial law. Germany is now near reaching that state with the influx of Muslims who are there for what reason, goodies or worse? All is not so glossy in Germany, but CBS leaves you with a vision of heavenly nirvana.

Back to CBS, somewhere Cronkite is grinning because all he wanted to spew is finally being said. May he and his kind, all snakes offering trinkets, rot in hell.

CBS, why don't you move to Europe? Oh, you think you'll be able to help transform our country into a Socialist Dictatorship with government in every nook or our existence? Do you want to be the New Pravda? Americans will be putting you out of business along with NBC, ABC and MSNBC and yes, Obama & Company. Check your ratings.