Train Chase: Herding Ponies Back to the Yard

I was out at Anse la Butte waiting for Mz Allegheny to show up.

That's when I got a worried call from Mz Norfolk Southern.
Her boy, Boy Norfolk Southern, had not showed up. He'd
run off to Beaumont on a freight train. She asked if I'd check
the tracks and see if I could find him.

East of Crowley I came upon him, with his cousin, just sitting.
At least they were headed in the right direction so I let
them sit. Maybe being tired and hungry, Boy NS would
learn a lesson.

I'd take up residence under the Rayne, US 90, rail overpass....

...and ambush them when they came though. There nothing
like scaring the heck out of a kid to get his attention.

Bam, seems Mz NS had sent her cousin, Mz Sunset Special,
out looking, also. She is a quiet fast one and swift with the
switch if you are not watching out.

She gave me a wink going by. She's also a little fresh.

She'd get Boy and his cousin going, I guarantee.

Uh, huh. She stopped and let them have it. I could hear
her horns raising hell. There was no reply from Boy or
his cohort.

Here they came.

Very slowly, you might say "meekly".

Seeing me there and pointing east, they picked up speed markedly.

I hopped on my horse and stayed on their tail, making sure
they kept with the straight and narrow.

Through Rayne......

Through Duson......

And, through Scott.

They slowly approached as Mz NS waited. Her mood seemed
unapproachable, something Boy and Cousin had to deal with.
Whew, the tension was almost unbearable. I'm glad I wasn't
on their wheels.

The rumble was ground shaking. Boy, and his dumber than
dumb cousin, were going to get it. She told him to get his
train to Alley 5 and wait there. I've yet to see him on the
tracks since. I hope any of you thinking about hopping a train
to Beaumont will learn from this story.

You might notice that Mr. Norfolk Southern was backing
her up. The boys' tickets were going to get punched twice.