Did you vote for this? Check your choice next time.

Notice the forked tongue.
This is the devil now.

If you have no idea who the "below" is, Google "Lenin".
This was the devil in the early 1900's.

What, no train content? I beg your pardon. These guys are communist
engineers. The present one is trying to drive our train down the line
to disaster. Then he and his assorted comrades will attempt to remake
our country into a Soviet style society. Arm yourselves (a lot). The
hordes you see on the streets of New York and other major cities are
just a sign of what is to come. The cities burned in the 1960's. They
think you forgot about that or didn't know it because history is no
longer taught because it may disrupt what they have planned for you.
Class Warfare is on our doorstep again. The next election will make
the difference. Stand up for American values, or stand down and
be run over by the filthy parasites and die. Check out who you vote for
this time around. Don't be as dumb as they think you are.